build comma-delimited text file that has an entry for every file on the drive, with the full path to the file, and includes size, starting cluster, and type (dir vs. file; D or F) (this could also be fixed-size binary with MAX_PATH=260 pathname allocated, but would be easier to debug, etc. if it's text. just a bit slower...but there are far fewer files than there are clusters) type,size,cluster,path [Directory Entry Sort File] F,59641,139,\avadash.xbe D,5813,918,\Media sort the list by path name, or type and path this tells us every file we need to move around, and where it starts next, build a list of where each entry needs to start, by simply iterating over the sorted file in order. each entry starts after the end of the previous one, so everything is packed in the sort order. the output from this step can be an array of clusters, each entry's index matching the line number in the sorted file (binary results, not text) [New Starting Clusters File] 00000001 00000005 00000018 0000002A ... then create a file that indicates which clusters need to move where to make the [New Starting Clusters File] list happen. this is simply a matter of walking each entry in the sort file, walking the FAT entries starting from its first cluster, and mapping that cluster number to the associated [New Starting Clusters File], offset by the relative cluster number for the file. so for entry #1, assume the file is 59641 bytes (4 clusters) long and has a starting cluster of 0289A8B6 and is split into 2 fragments. we start to walk the FAT at cluster 0289A8B6, so 0289A8B6 goes to our new starting cluster of 1 (from our [New Starting Clusters File] mapping), 0289A8B7 goes to the starting cluster +1, so it maps to 2, and so on. repeat for every entry in the sort file, in order [Cluster Mapping File] 0289A8B6 00000001 0289A8B7 00000002 0013F251 00000003 0013F252 00000004 ... we also need to update the starting cluster number within each directory, going through all directories' "file" data and changing all of the non- deleted entries, and probably eliminating the deleted ones (essentially rewrite and pack the directory "file" data). changing the starting clusters in the directories should be done immediately after a file is actually moved. this allows the user to abort, and is the safest way to do it in case the defrag fails to complete. == needs work: how to shuffle files (such as on a very full hard drive) how to find the parent directory of any entry so we can update starting cluster after we've moved it helpful links: Differences between FATX and MS-DOS FAT Xbox Partitioning and Filesystem Details