background = x3skin_template_1.bmp font = HEMIHEAD.TTF selectorcolor = 0x88666666 fontcolor = 0xffffffff fontsize = 20 menu_rect = 92,111,531,360 menu_bg_color = 0x00000000 scrollbar = 0 # # settingname = (alignment),(x),(y),(fontcolor),(output) # # alignment can be R for right, C for center and L for left # # output is how string should be outputted # # buildversion=L,50,20,0xff00ffff;X3 Detected: Build %d temperature=C,590,395,0xffffffff;%s hddstatus=C,320,60,0xffffffff;C: %s E: %s F: %s G: %s dip=R,560,20,0xffaaaaaa;Dip Bank Select: %s clock=L,390,390,0xffffffff;%s ip=C,160,390,0xffffffff;XBOX IP : %s